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Image by Lukas Meier

Discover the Magic at Church of New Enchantment

Welcome to the enchanting world of Church of New Enchantment, where we celebrate the teachings of Christ Jesus, the guidance of saints, and the blessings of 72 angels. Our community practices prayer, rituals, and meditation, weaving the power of crystal work into our spiritual journey. Experience the wonder of Christian spell work as we embrace the divine in every aspect of our lives.

In our spiritual journey, it is essential to delve into the realm of angels and their significance. Angels are messengers from a loving God, playing crucial roles in the divine order. This blog post will provide a brief overview of the hierarchy of holy angels, shedding light on the Seraphim, Cherubim, Thrones, Dominations, Virtues, Powers, Principalities, Archangels, and Guardian Angels.


1. The Seraphim:

The Seraphim are the highest order of angels, dwelling closest to the Throne of God. They are pure spirits of contemplation, engaging in intense adoration and participation in the Divinity. Described in Isaiah's vision, their eternal song of praise resounds with the words, "Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord of hosts."


2. The Cherubim:

The Cherubim are another celestial choir mentioned in Isaiah's vision. They are guardians and attendants around the heavenly throne. With their powerful vocal harmony, they manifest the majesty and glory of God. Cherubim are associated with wisdom and are known for their proximity to God.


3. The Thrones:

The Thrones are celestial beings connected directly to the throne of God. They embody God's justice and represent His supreme authority. In the Bible, they are depicted as carriers of God's throne, depicted as great wheels covered in eyes. They maintain order in the cosmos and inspire us to seek peace within ourselves and among mankind.


4. The Dominations:

Also known as "Lordships," the Dominations supervise the movements of heavenly bodies, ensuring cosmic order. They embody unshaken fortitude in the cause of God and dispense the graces that make difficult things easier. In unforeseen accidents and sickness, we can seek their intercession.


5. The Virtues:

The Virtues are associated with grace and blessings from the heavens. They control the elements and maintain order in the natural world. They are known as "the shining ones" and inspire us to seek help in doing great things for God. We must worship God alone, as He commands.


6. The Powers:

The Powers are warrior angels who defend against evil spirits and maintain order between heaven and earth. They oversee the distribution of power among humankind, guarding the cosmos. They also guide priests on their path towards self-knowledge and perfection.


7. The Principalities:

Principalities exhibit purity of intention, always seeking the interests of God alone. Roman Catholic teaching affirms that angels are incorporeal substances, pure spirits with intellect and free will. The Scriptures do not provide a precise time for their creation, but belief in guardian angels has been implicit throughout history.


8. The Archangels:

Archangels, such as St. Michael, St. Gabriel, and St. Raphael, hold significant roles in biblical narratives. They serve as messengers and agents of God's power. St. Michael is a committed warrior for peace, while St. Gabriel proclaimed prophecies in the Old Testament. St. Raphael is known for his healing ministry. These archangels symbolize different attributes of God.


9. The Guardian Angels:

According to the teaching of St. Thomas Aquinas, every individual receives a guardian angel. Guardian angels protect and guide us, rejoicing in our conversion and encouraging gratitude for daily experiences. Saints like Padre Pio had profound relationships with their guardian angels, reminding us of their presence and care.

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