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Connecting with Divine Energies: 10 Angels and 10 Saints in Esoteric Practices with Prayers, Candles, and Crystals

Prayers, and rituals involving angels and saints serve as a powerful way to connect with divine energies for guidance, protection, and spiritual growth. Each angel and saint has a unique purpose, offering specific blessings and intercessions. For instance, Archangel Michael is called upon for protection and strength, while Archangel Raphael is known for healing. Similarly, saints like St. Jude are petitioned in hopeless situations. By incorporating prayers, lighting candles, and engaging in simple rituals, we can invite their divine assistance into our lives, fostering a deeper spiritual connection and receiving the support we need in challenging times.

Here are 10 angels and 10 saints, their esoteric meanings, and the best candle colors and crystals to use in rituals:


1. Archangel Michael – Protection, strength, and courage.

Candle Color: Blue

Crystal: Lapis lazuli

2. Archangel Raphael – Healing, both physical and emotional.

Candle Color: Green

Crystal: Emerald or malachite

3. Archangel Gabriel – Communication, inspiration, and creativity.

Candle Color: White

Crystal: Moonstone

4. Archangel Uriel – Wisdom, knowledge, and clarity.

Candle Color: Yellow

Crystal: Amber or citrine

5. Archangel Zadkiel – Mercy, forgiveness, and emotional healing.

Candle Color: Violet

Crystal: Amethyst

6. Archangel Chamuel – Love, compassion, and relationships.

Candle Color: Pink

Crystal: Rose quartz

7. Archangel Azrael – Comfort and support in times of grief.

Candle Color: Black

Crystal: Obsidian or onyx

8. Archangel Haniel – Intuition, psychic ability, and feminine energy.

Candle Color: Light blue

Crystal: Moonstone or selenite

9. Archangel Jophiel – Beauty, joy, and creativity.

Candle Color: Pink

Crystal: Pink tourmaline

10. Archangel Metatron – Spiritual development, sacred geometry, and focus.

Candle Color: White or gold

Crystal: Clear quartz or moldavite


1. St. Jude – Patron saint of hopeless causes and desperate situations.

Candle Color: Green

Crystal: Green aventurine

2. St. Anthony of Padua – Finder of lost things, helps with lost people, items, or faith.

Candle Color: Brown

Crystal: Smoky quartz

3. St. Francis of Assisi – Patron saint of animals and nature, encourages compassion for all living things.

Candle Color: White

Crystal: Clear quartz

4. St. Therese of Lisieux – Brings simplicity, humility, and love.

Candle Color: Pink

Crystal: Rose quartz

5. St. Patrick – Protection against evil, especially against spiritual adversaries.

Candle Color: Green

Crystal: Emerald

6. St. Joseph – Patron saint of family, workers, and those seeking a home.

Candle Color: Red

Crystal: Red jasper

7. St. Christopher – Patron saint of travelers, brings protection on journeys.

Candle Color: Yellow

Crystal: Tiger’s eye

8. St. Barbara – Protection from lightning, fire, and sudden death.

Candle Color: Red

Crystal: Garnet

9. St. Dymphna – Patron saint of mental health and emotional well-being.

Candle Color: Blue

Crystal: Sodalite

10. St. Lucy – Patron saint of eyesight, vision, and clarity.

Candle Color: White

Crystal: Clear quartz

Each of these angels and saints brings a unique energy to your spiritual practice. Whether you’re seeking protection, healing, or clarity, lighting a corresponding candle and incorporating the appropriate crystals into your prayers and rituals can amplify your connection with these divine beings.

Here are three example rituals (spells) that call upon angels and saints to address different problems. Each one includes the steps and materials needed to perform them.

1. Archangel Michael Protection Ritual

Purpose: To shield yourself from negative energy, spiritual attacks, or harmful influences.


• A blue candle

• Lapis lazuli crystal

• Incense (frankincense or sandalwood)


1. Set Your Space: Find a quiet place where you can focus. Light the incense and let the fragrance fill the room, clearing away any lingering negativity.

2. Light the Candle: As you light the blue candle, say, “I call upon Archangel Michael, protector of the faithful. Surround me with your divine light of protection.”

3. Hold the Crystal: Take the lapis lazuli in your hands, focusing on its energy. Imagine it creating a protective barrier around you, shielding you from harm.

4. Prayer: Say this prayer to invoke Archangel Michael: “Archangel Michael, I ask for your divine protection. Shield me from negativity, guide me with your sword of light, and guard my path as I walk in faith and strength.”

5. Visualize: Envision a blue light surrounding you, cutting through any negative forces. Feel Michael’s strength empowering you.

6. Close: Let the candle burn for at least 15 minutes, then extinguish it. Keep the crystal with you or place it on your altar as a symbol of Michael’s ongoing protection.

2. St. Raphael Healing Ritual

Purpose: To promote physical, emotional, or spiritual healing.


• A green candle

• Malachite crystal

• A small bowl of water (optional)


1. Prepare Your Space: Find a calming space where you feel peaceful. If desired, place a small bowl of water in front of you as a symbol of healing.

2. Light the Candle: As you light the green candle, say, “I call upon St. Raphael, healer sent by God, to bring me (or name of person) healing and restoration.”

3. Hold the Crystal: Hold the malachite in your hands, and focus on its soothing energy. Picture green healing light flowing through your body, restoring any areas of discomfort.

4. Prayer: Say this prayer to St. Raphael: “St. Raphael, patron of healing, I ask for your intercession to restore my body, mind, and spirit. Guide the healing process with your divine hands, and bring me peace and health.”

5. Visualize: Close your eyes and imagine St. Raphael standing beside you, directing healing energy into your body. Focus on any areas where you need healing, and feel the green light clearing away illness or pain.

6. Close: Let the candle burn for at least 10 minutes. Dip your fingers into the bowl of water, and touch your forehead or heart as a symbol of receiving healing. Keep the malachite near you during the healing process.

3. St. Jude’s Ritual for Hopeless Situations

Purpose: To find hope and solutions in difficult or seemingly impossible situations.


• A green or white candle

• Green aventurine crystal

• A piece of paper and pen


1. Create a Calm Space: Find a quiet area where you can reflect. Place the candle and crystal in front of you.

2. Write Your Intention: On the piece of paper, write down the situation that feels hopeless, and describe the outcome you are hoping for.

3. Light the Candle: As you light the candle, say, “I call upon St. Jude, patron of lost causes. Guide me through this time of difficulty, and show me the path to hope.”

4. Hold the Crystal: Hold the green aventurine, focusing on its energy of opportunity and abundance. Imagine light surrounding the problem, breaking through barriers that seem impossible to overcome.

5. Prayer: Say this prayer to St. Jude: “St. Jude, faithful intercessor of hopeless causes, I ask for your help in this time of great need. Shine your light upon this situation and show me the way toward hope, resolution, and peace.”

6. Visualize: Picture St. Jude standing beside you, placing a light in your hands, symbolizing hope and renewed faith. Envision the situation shifting toward a positive outcome.

7. Close: Place the paper beneath the candle and let it burn for at least 20 minutes. Hold the crystal daily and repeat the prayer as you meditate on hope and solutions.

By integrating prayers and rituals into your spiritual practice, you open the door to the divine assistance of angels and saints. Whether you seek protection, healing, or hope in difficult situations, these celestial guides are always ready to support and uplift you on your journey. Each prayer and ritual allows you to connect with their unique energies, drawing their powerful presence into your life.

To dive deeper into these practices and learn how to effectively work with angels and saints in your own life, we invite you to explore our upcoming course on Angelic and Saintly Rituals for Spiritual Growth. This course will offer in-depth guidance, personalized exercises, and insights into crafting your own rituals with candles, crystals, and prayers.

Stay tuned for more information, and until then, continue your journey by learning from the wisdom of the angels and saints. Their divine support is just a prayer away.


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