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Healing a Broken Heart: Christian Rituals

At the Church of New Enchantment, we embrace the power of Christian Mysticism to heal and transform. Here are some sacred spell rituals designed to help mend a broken heart using crystals, angelic guidance, and prayer.

1. Rose Quartz Healing Ritual

Materials: Rose quartz crystal, a small cross, a candle.

Ritual: In a quiet space, light the candle and hold the rose quartz in your hands. Pray to God for healing and ask for the loving energy of Christ to fill your heart. Place the rose quartz near your heart and imagine divine love flowing through the crystal into your being. End by holding the cross and asking for strength and peace.

2. Archangel Raphael’s Comfort

Materials: Green candle, an image or statue of Archangel Raphael, lavender oil.

Ritual: Anoint the green candle with lavender oil and light it. Place the image of Archangel Raphael in front of you and ask for his healing presence to comfort your heart. Say a prayer invoking Raphael’s guidance, and sit in meditation, focusing on his protective and healing energy surrounding you.

3. Psalm 34 Ritual with Amethyst

Materials: Amethyst crystal, Bible, white candle.

Ritual: Light the white candle and hold the amethyst crystal. Open your Bible to Psalm 34, and read the verses aloud, focusing on the words of comfort and protection. As you read, feel the amethyst amplifying the healing energy of the Psalm. Place the crystal on top of the Bible and let the candle burn down safely.

These rituals are a way to connect with divine energy and find peace during times of emotional pain. By combining the power of crystals, angelic support, and sacred scripture, you can heal and restore your heart.

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