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Image by Alex Preusser

Our Spiritual Herb Apothecary List

This comprehensive list of spiritual herbs has been carefully curated by me, Dr. Peter Sousa, with a deep understanding of their traditional uses and spiritual significance. Each herb included in this guide has been selected for its unique properties that enhance spiritual practices, promote healing, and attract positive energies. I have dedicated significant effort to ensuring this resource serves as a valuable tool for those seeking to deepen their spiritual journey and connect with the natural energies around them.

rAcacia This herb is known for its ability to enhance spiritual experiences, attract positive energy, and foster meaningful friendships. It can be used to anoint candles and censers, as well as consecrate containers for holding ritual tools. When burned as incense, it promotes a peaceful, meditative state of mind.


Adam & Eve Root Carrying Adam & Eve root together is believed to promote faithfulness in relationships and discourage outside influences from causing disharmony between partners.


Adder's Tongue This herb is associated with healing, dream work, and divination. It is also known to stop the spread of gossip and promote overall well-being.


African Violet African violet is connected to spirituality, protection, and healing. Keeping this plant in the home is said to increase spiritual awareness and create a peaceful atmosphere.


Agrimony Agrimony is helpful for overcoming fear, dispelling negativity, and reversing misfortune. Washing with an agrimony infusion or burning it as incense can increase the effectiveness of healing rituals and ward off negative energy.


Allspice Burning allspice attracts luck, money, healing, and success while providing an extra boost of energy to magical workings.


Almond Almonds are associated with wisdom, prosperity, fertility, and abundance. Wearing, burning, or using them in rituals can help attract these positive attributes and assist in overcoming challenges.


Aloe Aloe is known for its protective, lucky, and healing properties. Hanging an aloe plant in the home is believed to bring good fortune and protection, while growing it indoors can promote safety. Aloe can also be used in rituals for attracting love.


Althea Root Burning althea root or using it in sachets can bring protection, calmness, and aid in developing psychic powers. Placing it on an altar is thought to attract positive spirits.


Angelica Angelica is a powerful protective herb that attracts positive energy. It can be used in healing and cleansing rituals, sprinkled for purification, or touched to remove curses and spells. Burning angelica is said to bring back lost love.


Anise Carrying or burning anise can provide protection, happiness, and increase psychic ability. Filling a sleep pillow with anise can prevent disturbing dreams, while using it in a purifying bath with bay leaves can cleanse negative energy.


Apple Apples are associated with love, immortality, friendship, and healing. Dried apples can be used in fertility rituals, and burning them during harvest celebrations is a common practice. In house blessings, cutting an apple in half, eating one half, and placing the other half outside as an offering is believed to bring good fortune.


Arabic Gum Arabic gum is used for spiritual enhancement, attracting positive energy, and fostering friendships. It can be used to anoint candles and censers, as well as consecrate containers for ritual tools. Burning it as incense promotes a meditative state.


Aspen Aspen is connected to eloquence, clarity, healing, and protection. Planting an aspen tree near the home is believed to ward off theft and create a peaceful environment.


Balm of Gilead This herb is associated with love, manifestation, protection, healing, calming, and assisting with loss. It can be used in love sachets and for dressing healing candles. Burning balm of Gilead is said to attract positive spirits.


Basil Basil is known for its properties of love, prosperity, sympathy, and protection. It can dispel confusion and negativity, as well as drive off hostile energy. Carrying basil can help one move forward positively despite challenges, while sprinkling an infusion of basil around the home or business can attract money and success.


Bay Laurel Bay laurel is used for purification, blessing, and clearing confusion. It is also known to attract romance. Using bay laurel in dream pillows can promote sound sleep and prophetic dreams.


Bay Leaf Bay leaves are associated with protection, good fortune, success, purification, and wisdom. Writing wishes on bay leaves and burning them is believed to help manifest desires. Placing bay leaves around the home can provide protection, while carrying them can act as a personal shield.


Benzoin Benzoin is used for purification, prosperity, soothing, calming anger, relieving stress, and uplifting mood. Burning it can purify a space, and an incense blend of benzoin, cinnamon, and basil is said to attract customers to a business.


Bergamot Bergamot is known for its ability to attract money, prosperity, and protection. It can also improve memory and promote restful sleep. Carrying bergamot while gambling or conducting business is believed to bring luck, and burning it in rituals can increase the power of the working.


Bistort Bistort is associated with fertility, divination, and psychic powers. Carrying it can enhance fertility, while adding it to herbal blends can boost divination abilities. Burning bistort with frankincense is thought to enhance psychic powers, and carrying it can attract wealth and good fortune. Sprinkling a bistort infusion around the home can help clear negative energy.


Black Cohosh Black cohosh is connected to love, courage, protection, and potency. It can be used in love sachets or baths, and carrying it can provide courage and strength. Sprinkling black cohosh around a room is believed to drive away negativity, and placing it in a purple flannel bag can offer protection.


Blessed Thistle Blessed thistle is used for purification, protection, and breaking misfortune. Carrying it can provide strength and protection, while placing a bowl of blessed thistle in a room is thought to renew vitality and positive energy.


Bloodroot Bloodroot is associated with love and protection. Placing it in windows and doorways is believed to keep out negative energy, and it can be used to cleanse and reset the energy of a space.


Blue Cohosh Blue cohosh is known for its properties of empowerment, purification, prosperity, and protection. It can be used in rituals and spells focused on these attributes.


Borage Borage is used to uplift spirits and increase courage. Burning it as incense is thought to raise courage, while sprinkling a borage infusion around the house can help dispel negativity.


Buckeye Buckeyes are associated with divination, good luck, and attracting money. Carrying a buckeye anointed with money oil or wrapped in a dollar bill is believed to increase the flow of money. Buckeyes are popular good luck charms.


Burdock Burdock is known for its cleansing properties and ability to release negativity. Rinsing with a burdock decoction can help remove negative feelings and promote a more positive outlook.


Carnation Carnations are associated with protection, strength, healing, enhancing spiritual powers, and balance. Burning carnations can boost creativity, and using them in bath rituals can provide a sense of overall well-being.


Catnip Catnip is used in rituals involving felines and can be mixed with rose petals in love sachets. It can also be used in sachets and spells to enhance beauty and happiness. Growing catnip near the home or hanging it over the door is believed to attract good spirits and luck.


Cedarwood Cedarwood promotes confidence, strength, prosperity, protection, healing, and purification. Burning it can provide protection, aid in consecration, and enhance meditation. Using cedarwood chips in prosperity workings is thought to attract abundance, while hanging it in the home can offer protection.


Chamomile Chamomile is associated with love, healing, reducing stress, and success. Sprinkling a chamomile infusion around the house can remove negative energy, while burning it or using it in prosperity workings can attract abundance. Chamomile is also known for its calming properties, making it useful for de-stressing, meditation, and promoting restful sleep. Washing hands in a chamomile infusion before important meetings is believed to bring luck.


Cinnamon Cinnamon is connected to spirituality, success, healing, protection, love, and prosperity. Burning it can provide protection, aid in consecration, and enhance meditation. Using cinnamon in money and prosperity workings is thought to attract abundance, while wearing it in an amulet can promote passion.


Cinquefoil Cinquefoil is a versatile herb associated with love, money, health, power, and wisdom. It can stimulate memory and eloquence, and burning, wearing, or carrying it can provide protection. Cinquefoil is also used for house and altar blessings, and wrapping it in red flannel and hanging it is believed to offer powerful protection.


Clove Burning cloves can purify a space and raise spiritual vibrations. Wearing cloves is thought to provide protection and clarity, while burning them can attract riches and stop gossip. Carrying cloves can also attract partners or soothe grief, and they are known for their ability to cleanse the aura.


Clover Clover is associated with fidelity, protection, money, love, and success. Carrying clover can bring luck, attract money, promote fidelity, and offer protection. Sprinkling clover around the home is believed to remove negativity and create a peaceful atmosphere.


Comfrey Comfrey is used for stability, endurance, travel safety, and matters related to real estate. Placing comfrey in luggage can prevent loss, while wearing it can provide travel protection. The root of comfrey is often used in money spells to attract prosperity.


Copal Resin Copal resin is associated with love and purification. It can be added to love and purification incenses, and a piece of copal can be used to represent the heart in poppets or other magical workings.


Coriander Coriander is known for its properties of love, health, and protection. Tying coriander with a ribbon and hanging it in the home is believed to promote peace and protection. Using coriander in love workings can enhance their power, and it is also thought to promote harmony among people. Coriander seeds can be used in love sachets, and wearing coriander is said to ward off illness.


Cypress Cypress is associated with understanding grief and finding peace. Hanging cypress in the home can provide protection, while burning it can aid in divination. Wearing cypress at funerals is thought to ease sorrow, and it can be useful during times of crisis and transition.


Dill Dill is known for its properties of money, protection, luck, and passion. It can be used in love and protection charms, and is effective for house blessings. Burning dill seeds is believed to attract money, and touching dill flowers is said to help one understand the language of birds.


Dragon's Blood Dragon's blood is used for protection, purification, and strength. Burning it can increase the power of spells, and it has strong cleansing properties. Sprinkling dragon's blood around the home can provide protection, while carrying or wearing it is thought to bring luck.


Echinacea Echinacea adds strength to charms and sachets and is useful for attracting prosperity. Burning dried echinacea flowers as incense or placing them on the altar as an offering can enhance magical workings.


Elder Elder is associated with sleep, wisdom, protection, and good fortune. Using elder flowers in dream pillows can promote restful sleep and prophetic dreams. Wearing elder is believed to provide protection and encourage fidelity, and it is often used in rituals to protect and guide loved ones who have passed on.


Eucalyptus Eucalyptus attracts healing energy and purifies spaces. Using dried eucalyptus leaves in healing sachets and pillows, or arranging them around a candle and burning it, can promote healing. Carrying eucalyptus in a sachet is thought to provide protection and encourage harmony in relationships.


Fennel Fennel is known for its properties of strength, vitality, protection, healing, and purification. It can be used in protection, healing, and cleansing spells, and is believed to provide help during challenging times. Fennel is also thought to increase longevity, and hanging it in the home can help ward off negativity.


Frankincense Frankincense is used for new beginnings, cleansing, purification, meditation, and offerings. It can enhance the power of other ingredients in magical blends, and adding it to success and blessing mixtures is thought to increase their potency.


Gardenia Gardenia is known for its ability to repel strife and protect from outside influences. Carrying or wearing gardenia can attract love and friendship, while burning it with other healing herbs can promote peace and comfort. Using dried gardenia flowers in healing blends or scattering them in a space can create a peaceful atmosphere.


Garlic Garlic is associated with healing, protection, and purification. Hanging garlic in the home is believed to promote family unity and strengthen willpower, while carrying it can provide protection during outdoor activities. Garlic is also thought to absorb illness and negative energy.


Ginger Ginger can draw adventure and new opportunities, and it promotes success, prosperity, and confidence. Adding ginger to magical blends can increase their strength, and using it for consecrating ritual blades is a common practice. A human-shaped ginger root is considered a powerful magical token.


Ginseng Ginseng is known for its properties of love, beauty, protection, and healing. Carrying ginseng can attract love, health, money, and vitality. Carving a wish into a whole ginseng root and throwing it into water is believed to help manifest that wish.


Hawthorn Hawthorn is used for new beginnings, overcoming grief, and sharpening intuition. Its leaves and berries are thought to heal and enhance psychic gifts, and sprinkling a hawthorn infusion can purify a space.


High John High John is an all-purpose herb used for confidence, success, luck, prosperity, love, health, and protection. Washing hands in a High John infusion before games of chance is believed to increase luck.


Honeysuckle Honeysuckle can draw money, success, and abundance, and it boosts persuasiveness and intuition. Using honeysuckle flowers in charms and sachets is thought to attract money, while rubbing the flowers on the forehead can enhance psychic abilities.


Hyssop Hyssop is associated with cleansing, purification, and spiritual opening. It is believed to protect property and can be used for consecrating tools. Adding hyssop to baths can provide cleansing, while hanging it in the home is thought to dispel negativity.


Jasmine Jasmine can attract spiritual love and help find soul mates. Carrying or burning jasmine flowers is believed to attract wealth, and using them in dream pillows can promote restful sleep and prophetic dreams. Jasmine is also known to promote inspiration and innovative ideas.


Juniper Juniper can attract health, love, and prosperity. Its berries can be carried by men for virility or strung together to create love beads. Burning juniper can provide protection, and hanging a sprig of juniper can help prevent theft. Using juniper oil is thought to increase abundance.


Kava Kava Kava kava is known as an aphrodisiac and visionary herb and can provide travel protection. Carrying kava kava is believed to promote success and career advancement.


Lavender Lavender is associated with love, protection, healing, sleep, purification, and peace. It can help alleviate depression and is often used in sleep pillows and baths. Burning lavender can induce restful sleep, and using it in love spells is thought to be particularly effective for attracting men.


Lemon Balm Lemon balm is known for its properties of love, success, healing, and spiritual development. Using lemon balm in love charms can help attract a partner, and incorporating it into healing rituals can promote mental well-being.


Lemongrass Lemongrass is used for psychic cleansing, opening spiritual pathways, and inducing passion.


Lemon Verbena Lemon verbena is believed to increase attractiveness and the effectiveness of magical workings. It can be used in purification baths and carried as a love-drawing amulet.


Lilac Lilac is associated with wisdom, memory, good luck, and spiritual aid. It can be used in rituals and spells to enhance these attributes.


Lotus Lotus is known for its properties of love, protection, spiritual growth,

and psychic opening. It is often used in rituals and meditations to promote these qualities.


Lovage Lovage can induce prophetic dreams, boost energy, and aid in purification. Using lovage in bath rituals can provide psychic cleansing, and adding it to sachets and baths can increase attractiveness. Adding a lovage infusion to a bath before important meetings is thought to promote success.


Mugwort Mugwort can be carried to increase passion and fertility. Using it with divination tools is believed to enhance their power, and incorporating mugwort into dream pillows can aid in astral travel. Creating an infusion of mugwort can be used to cleanse crystal balls and magical mirrors.


Mullein Mullein is associated with protection, courage, and banishing negativity. Using it in dream pillows can help ward off nightmares, and carrying mullein can provide courage and attract love. Burning mullein is believed to banish bad influences and halt negative habits.


Myrrh Myrrh can promote spiritual opening, aid in meditation, and provide healing. It can enhance the power of any blend it is added to, and burning it can create a peaceful atmosphere for consecration and blessing. Myrrh is often burned in combination with frankincense.


Myrtle Myrtle is known for its properties of love, fertility, youth, peace, and money. Carrying myrtle can attract love, while burning it can enhance beauty. Wearing myrtle while performing love spells is thought to increase their power, and using it in sachets can promote a calm and loving atmosphere.


Nettle Nettle can dispel darkness, strengthen willpower, and aid in handling crises. Sprinkling nettle in the home is believed to drive off evil influences, while carrying it can help reflect negativity. Sprinkling nettle on oneself is thought to remove pettiness and envy.


Nutmeg Nutmeg can attract money, bring luck, and break hexes. Using it in money spells and sachets is common, and carrying nutmeg is believed to increase luck and intellect. Sprinkling nutmeg powder on green candles is thought to attract prosperity.


Oak Oak wood is often used for creating ritual tools, and burning oak leaves can provide purification. Using oak in fertility charms is common, and hanging a sprig of oak is believed to ward off negativity and strengthen family bonds. Carrying oak can promote wisdom, strength, luck, and beauty.


Orange Orange can attract abundance through love and marriage. Using orange leaves and flowers in love rituals is common, and adding an orange infusion to a bath is thought to enhance beauty.


Patchouli Patchouli is used in money and love spells, sachets, and baths. Placing it in a wallet is believed to draw money, while using it in fertility rituals and for business growth is common.


Peppermint Peppermint can increase vibrations for healing and purification. Using it in dream pillows can promote peaceful sleep and divination, and anointing objects with peppermint is a common practice. Burning peppermint in a new home is thought to clear negative energy, and using it can help facilitate positive life changes.


Pine Pine is associated with cleansing, purification, repelling negativity, and attracting prosperity and success. It is often used for blessing the home and creating a peaceful atmosphere.


Rose Rose is known for its properties of divine love, friendship, peace, and happiness. Using dried roses in healing poppets or placing them on an altar can draw positive spirits. Rose petals can also be used in baths for purification.


Rosemary Rosemary can be worn for health, used in healing poppets, love/lust spells, dream pillows, and purification baths. It is believed to increase memory and concentration, and burning rosemary can provide cleansing. Rosemary is also associated with fairies and nature spirits.


Sage Sage is used for self-purification, wisdom, healing, and cleansing. Carrying sage can improve mental ability, and using it in healing blends can promote overall well-being. Sage is known for its ability to remove negative energy, and writing a wish on a sage leaf and placing it under a pillow is believed to help manifest that wish if dreamt about.


Sandalwood Burning sandalwood can provide protection, healing, and cleansing. Sandalwood is often used to create healing wands, and writing a wish on a sandalwood chip and burning it is thought to help manifest that wish. Sandalwood can also align the chakras for better energy flow and enhance meditation and concentration.


St. John's Wort St. John's Wort can be carried to prevent illness and placed under a pillow to induce prophetic dreams. Burning it is believed to banish negativity, and it can be used in crystal care and divination practices.


Thyme Thyme can attract loyalty and admiration, and wearing it is thought to ease grief or provide strength. Burning or hanging thyme can purify a space and promote health, and using it in cleansing baths before candle magic is common. Placing thyme in a jar is believed to attract luck.


Valerian Valerian is associated with reconciliation, love, and harmony. Using it in love and protection sachets and dream pillows is common, and wearing valerian can help calm emotions. Passing through the smoke of burning valerian at Midsummer is believed to provide purification.


Vervain Vervain is known for its properties of protection, purification, peace, healing, and sleep. Burying vervain or keeping it in the home is thought to attract wealth and peace, and using it in cleansing baths before rituals can enhance their power. Vervain is often used in protection amulets and dream pillows, especially for children.


Violet Violet can calm nerves, draw visions, stimulate creativity, and promote peace. Violet leaves are believed to provide protection, and carrying or giving violets to newlyweds or new mothers is thought to bring luck. Keeping violets on an altar can enhance night magic.


Willow Willow is associated with lunar magic, love, healing, and overcoming sorrow. It is considered a sacred wishing tree, and wearing willow when facing loss is common. Placing willow on an altar can aid in lunar work and divination, while keeping it in the home or business is believed to protect against negativity.


Witch Hazel Witch hazel can be carried to ease heartache and used in love spells and for warding off evil influences.


Yarrow Yarrow is known for its properties of healing, love, and divination. It can draw affection, and carrying yarrow is believed to banish negativity and fear. Yarrow is frequently used in love and marriage charms, and placing fears written on parchment in a yellow bag with yarrow is thought to help overcome them.


Yerba Santa Yerba santa can promote healing, psychic powers, and protection. Using it in bath magic is believed to enhance beauty, while wearing it can prevent illness. Yerba santa leaves can be used in healing or protection incense, and bathing in an infusion of yerba santa is thought to remove hexes.

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